Thursday, October 4, 2012

Cautiously Entering the Writers' World

Almost 3 weeks of retirement, and mannn, I feel like I could do this forever! It's a little scary not having any other income but pensions for a couple of months, but the amount is actually decent, combining both our cheques!
I've just come back from my second Writers' Circle meeting. It's been very motivating in terms of getting my pen moving...making stabs at poetry, descriptions, stream of consciousness and assignments from "Writing the Sacred," a book I bought at a Journalling workshop a couple of years ago.
We're having some of our work 'published,' i.e. photocopied and bound, and presented to the public. I really hope the title doesn't immediately alert prospective viewers that we're a very amateur group. There is some talent in the room...
Tonight I'm defrosting pizza for dinner. It's really great to be in lazy mode...or should I say 'living creatively!'
Some hard physical work would be good though, one of these days.

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